Naked Man Seen Walking About In Nothing But A G-String Made From Face Mask

PA Images/Getty Images

A naked man has been spotted walking about on Oxford Street in central London, wearing nothing but a face mask as a sort of makeshift g-string.

Those in the vicinity couldn’t believe their eyes, reacting with amusement and shock at the sight of the man strolling about confidently, blue mask scarcely covering his modesty.

It’s unclear exactly what prompted this man to try out such a bold look. Face masks are indeed now compulsory in shops, however all government guidance I’ve seen would suggest that a person should wear it over their nose and mouth.

Getty Images

As the man paraded down the street, backside bared to the world, many of those around him looked on with confusion, some taking out their phones for a pic. However, he did not appear to be put off by the attention.

This timely use of a face mask comes as many of us are stocking up on face coverings for shopping trips and takeaway runs in accordance with new rules. However, I would imagine very few would attempt this erm, creative take.

Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, John Apter, has today urged retail outlets to make the rules about mandatory face masks ‘crystal clear’, warning:

If you are not wearing a face covering then you are not coming in. Officers will be there to help stores if needed – but only as a last resort, as we simply do not have the resources.

Face maskPA

Apter also advised people against jumping to conclusions when it comes to those who are exempt from wearing masks, stating:

If you’re out shopping today and you see somebody not wearing a face covering it may be because they have a hidden disability. Don’t jump to conclusions, don’t have a go at them. This is new for us all, it’s about keeping each other safe. Please be nice!

It’s unclear whether or not this man was taking extra precautions by wearing a mask on his nether regions. However, judging by the fact that there was nothing on his face besides a relaxed smile, I should say not.

Interestingly, public nudity isn’t actually an offence in England and Wales. However, it can become one under certain circumstances, for example if a a complainant could prove the individual had taken their clothes off with the intention to shock or cause upset.

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