One In 10 People Have Caught Someone Masturbating In A Public Bathroom

One In 10 People Have Caught Someone Masturbating In A Public BathroomPexels

Imagine you’re touching cloth. On the verge of disaster, you run into a public bathroom, only to be faced with someone shaking hands with the milkman. 

They do say public bathrooms are Earth’s man-made aphrodisiacs… wait, no they don’t, but apparently some people do see it that way.

Alas, one in 10 people have been in the unfortunate situation waltzing in and catching someone as they null the void. Pump those numbers up at home, folks.

American Pie FinchUniversal Pictures

QS Supplies – the bathroom specialist that found one in 10 people who go to do a poo end up masturbating – is back at it with another toilet-based study. This time, its research has looked at ‘the unspoken bathroom rules’, with 1,032 people from the UK and US revealing their ‘personal public restroom handbooks, from the most commonly-respected courtesies to the weirdest things they had ever come across’.

First of all, let’s discuss ‘toilet anxiety’. Of the survey’s respondents, 82% aren’t comfortable with pooping in a public toilet, with only 3% saying they felt ‘very comfortable’.

BridesmaidsUniversal Pictures

Weird sh*t goes down in bathrooms. Here’s one unnamed woman’s account: 

I once saw a lady climb up on the sink and pee in it, all the while saying: ‘This is something you see, it’s normal.’ My friend and I high-tailed it out of there as fast as possible.

The variety of sights one can witness in a public bathroom ranges from mundane to gross. For example, 51% of people have seen someone peeing with the stall door open – not that strange, in the grand scheme of things.

Trainspotting Bathroom SceneUniversal Pictures

Second on the list, 31% of people have seen people taking drugs in the bathroom – again, not uncommon in the slightest. A quarter of respondents have observed couples ‘engaged in sexual activity’, while 13% have seen someone taking a dump with the stall door open.

Then comes the best statistic: 10% of respondents said they’d seen someone masturbating in a public bathroom. But don’t worry guys, men are twice as likely to come across all these things. Why? Because we’re horrible, that’s why.

Warner Bros.

Here’s some further evidence: one in four men have had another man peek at their penis at a urinal, while one in five had had another man’s penis intentionally revealed to them.

Moving on, let’s consider our choice of toilet. By that I mean, when you walk in, which stall or urinal do you choose? Three-quarters people make a conscious effort to choose the most private toilet, with 86% of people believing it’s sometimes fine use a disabled stall.

Yes, ‘you gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing’. But for love of all that’s holy, do your tugging at home.

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