One In 10 People Have Caught Someone Masturbating In A Public Bathroom
Pexels Imagine you’re touching cloth. On the verge of disaster, you run into a public bathroom, only to be faced with someone shaking hands with the milkman. They do say public bathrooms are Earth’s man-made aphrodisiacs… wait, no they don’t, but apparently some people do see it that way. Alas, one in 10 people have been in the unfortunate situation waltzing in and catching someone as they null the void. Pump those numbers up at home, folks. Universal Pictures QS Supplies – the bathroom specialist that found one in 10 people who go to do a poo end up masturbating – is back at it with another toilet-based study. This time, its research has looked at ‘the unspoken bathroom rules’, with 1,032 people from the UK and US revealing their ‘personal public restroom handbooks, from the most commonly-respected courtesies to the weirdest things they had ever come across’. First of all, let’s discuss ‘toilet anxiety’. Of the survey’s respondents, 82% aren’t comfortable with pooping in ...